Zuus iPhone Battery Case

Zuus is the iPhone battery case that charges more. Initially designed to address the need to keep a Juul vaporizer charged and stored in a safe location, the case evolved into a do-it-all product for charging a user’s phone as well as any accessory that needs extra Juice. Whether you need to charge your AirPods, a portable speaker, a friend’s phone, or a smart watch, the Zuus Case has your back.

Key Insights

  • Juul users are constantly misplacing their Juuls.

  • Juul users are constantly looking to charge their Juuls.

  • Smartphone battery life is insufficient in getting a user through an entire day of active use.

  • Personal electronic accessories (Airpods, Speakers, etc.) lose charge constantly and are inconvenient to recharge.

Customer Needs

  • Keep the Juul in reliable location for easy access and quick use.

  • Keep a Juul charged at all times.

  • Add extra battery life to a smartphone.

  • Provide accessible charge for alternate devices.


  • Store Juul - Back of phone attachment

  • Charge Juul - Juul charger packs

  • Charge Phone - Battery phone cases

  • Charge other devices - Battery packs

Design Exploration


Key Functionality

  • Targeted power allocation for purposeful distribution of charge

  • Recessed power output port slot for embedded electronic add-ons


Project Status: Completed the DFM phase after implementing necessary feedback-driven design changes. Looks-like, works-like prototype has been completed.

Personal Role:

  • Utilize skills in user-centered research, design, prototyping, beta testing, supply chain management, product development and brand expertise to bring the best experience to the target user.

  • Work with product managers and engineers domestically and overseas to set realistic timelines, deliverables, and cost structures for product implementation.

IP: Trademark for Logo and Name in multiple categories. Patent Pending.