Zuus iPhone Battery Case
Zuus is the iPhone battery case that charges more. Initially designed to address the need to keep a Juul vaporizer charged and stored in a safe location, the case evolved into a do-it-all product for charging a user’s phone as well as any accessory that needs extra Juice. Whether you need to charge your AirPods, a portable speaker, a friend’s phone, or a smart watch, the Zuus Case has your back.
Key Insights
Juul users are constantly misplacing their Juuls.
Juul users are constantly looking to charge their Juuls.
Smartphone battery life is insufficient in getting a user through an entire day of active use.
Personal electronic accessories (Airpods, Speakers, etc.) lose charge constantly and are inconvenient to recharge.
Customer Needs
Keep the Juul in reliable location for easy access and quick use.
Keep a Juul charged at all times.
Add extra battery life to a smartphone.
Provide accessible charge for alternate devices.
Store Juul - Back of phone attachment
Charge Juul - Juul charger packs
Charge Phone - Battery phone cases
Charge other devices - Battery packs
Design Exploration
Key Functionality
Targeted power allocation for purposeful distribution of charge
Recessed power output port slot for embedded electronic add-ons
Project Status: Completed the DFM phase after implementing necessary feedback-driven design changes. Looks-like, works-like prototype has been completed.
Personal Role:
Utilize skills in user-centered research, design, prototyping, beta testing, supply chain management, product development and brand expertise to bring the best experience to the target user.
Work with product managers and engineers domestically and overseas to set realistic timelines, deliverables, and cost structures for product implementation.
IP: Trademark for Logo and Name in multiple categories. Patent Pending.