Interviews and Testimonials

Advisor Testimonial Video
Bill Burnett, Executive Director of Design School at Stanford, discusses product development in Finesse and upcoming launch.
Directed, Produced, and Edited.

Mother Testimonial & Demonstration
"Couchside" conversation with a working mom about how important health and wellness is to her and why she loves the Finesse Fitness Products.
Directed and Produced

Advisor Testimonial Video
Mike Rivera, Executive Director of Entrepreneur Program at Marshall School of Business at USC, discusses product development in Finesse and upcoming launch.
Directed, Produced and Edited

Advisor Testimonial Video
Bill Mcbride discusses Finesse Team and Partnership. Mcbride is the President of Active Wellness, a major player in the fitness industry. He also served as the Chairman of the Board for Industry leader IHRSA.
Directed, Produced, and Edited